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Vertical automatic back washing filtration machine

Views: 32     Author: chengkai     Publish Time: 2017-07-10      Origin: Site



Vertical automatic back washing filtration machine is an integration of electromechanical instrument, it is used to filter particle impurity with high flow capacity, high flow rate, low viscosity liquid.

This product has characteristics of high filtration efficiency, low cost, continuous filtration in the backwashing process.

It is widely used in the different field of water filtration, such as domestic water, water supply in production process, seawater pre-treatment, oilfield reinjection water, circulating cooling water, underground and surface water purification, central air condition system, boiler blow-down water, scenic water, municipal administration green space spraying, agricultural irrigation etc.

The filtration and reverse cleaning impetus of this machine are supplied by either original head or pump station.

The pressure of the system filter is fundamentally constant, the original filtrate flows from filter element to outside, the solid impurities are trapped in the inner surface of the filter net, this raised the differential pressure between internal and external filter elements, the filtration resistance is gradually increased.

When the differential pressure is higher than the set value of the differential pressure controller, the signal is sent by differential pressure controller to start up the electromotor, then the back-flush arm rotates and fit with the filter element, at the same time, the electric blow down valve is opened, the unclean liquid is discharged.

When back-flush arm rotates to the bottom of the filter element, back-flush pipeline is connected to internal filter, the filtered liquid is pushed back through the filter net under its own pressure, in this way, the filter net is washed, the impurity is discharge automatically.

The back-flush arm rotates every 360 degrees, every filter element is back-flushed, renewed, recycled.

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