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The Advantages of China Sintered Wire Mesh

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-04-04      Origin: Site


China Sintered Wire Mesh has many advantages that make it ideal for industrial applications. And the main advantages include:

High mechanical strength, able to maintain stable filtration grade under high pressure.

Easy to clean and reuse with a variety of filter cleaning techniques.

Heat and corrosion resistant.

Easy to fabricate, weld, stamp, cut or otherwise form a variety of parts.

Wide range of filtration grades.

Laminating multiple layers of woven wire mesh together is a more common application of the sinter process, increasing mechanical strength, maintaining better filtration grades under pressure, easier to clean, and better structure than single layer wire mesh upright. Multi-layer sintered wire mesh components can maintain the filtration rating of their finest mesh layers while also maintaining the mechanical strength of their coarser support layers.

Common applications for sintering together multiple layers of wire mesh include:

Liquid and Gas Filtration

Suction filter

Fluidized bed

Chromatographic filter


Hydraulic filter

Oil well sand control screen

Polymer filtration

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